EF Solare Italia’s technological progress will not stop: we are studying and testing new digital solutions for predictive analysis and handling of the huge mass of data incoming from the plants.


The National Energy Strategy has outlined for the next future an ambitious path of development for renewable energies. We now face an intense transition phase that will determine the birth of a new way of generating electricity. The photovoltaic industry is asked to pull this transition, with a production that by 2030 will have to increase thrice the level it had in 2015. To achieve those objectives it will be necessary to restart the new installations market segment in the grid parity regime, but also to maintain the existing assets. We will need to go beyond the current business model and exploit the opportunities brought by innovation and hi-tech. Us of EF Solare Italia strongly believe in the use of digitalization to optimize management and to better the performance of the plants. For this reason, we have acquired a monitoring system and an innovative asset management platform that allow us to manage efficiently more than 120 PV plants utility-scale.

Our plants centralized monitoring and control system give us remotely a complete and real-time, also thanks to an alert system that can be viewed from smartphone, picture of the plant components functioning, allowing us to quickly intervene in case of anomalies and to optimize the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance activities.  In particular, the system works through the installation of datalogger and the acquisition on the field of the data incoming from the main devices (inverters, string boxes, counters and meteorological stations) that are stored and the archived. These data are then thoroughly analyzed by our Engineering team to identify possible latent problems and then implement the required interventions of reinstatement and modernization of the installed plants.

The asset management platform that we use to handle our plants portfolio is made of a complete and integrated suite of application modules that allow us to optimize and make more efficient the management of those stakeholders that pertains a solar plant and its connected requirements: Asset & Performance Management, Operations & Maintenance, Lease & Property Management, HSE, Documentation management and law compliance.

EF Solare Italia’s technological progress will not stop, we are already at work on the next steps – says our COO Sara Di MarioWe want to be an innovation propeller for the whole industry: we are studying and testing new digital solutions for predictive analysis and handling of the huge mass of data incoming from the plants, so to make another leap forward in the bettering on the performances and the optimization of management of our PV plants portfolio”.

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