EF Solare Italia is committed in representing the positions of the industry to boost the growth and diffusion of the solar power, supporting Italy on its path toward a sustainable energy future.


“Photovoltaics and storage: looking toward 2030”: EF Solare Italia’s annual conference for 2019 has been centred on the role of energy storage for the growth of Italian photovoltaics in the next decade.  Storage will indeed play a key role in the future of the industry: it will allows the stabilization of prices in the middle-long term and wit will contribute to the full integration in the electricity market, opening the possibility of offering  dispatch services.

The conference has represented a further step in the path of constructive dialogue, started by the company in the previous months, between the various operators of the industry with the aim of defining a regulatory frame suited for the Italian market. A first meeting was held behind closed doors at the presentation of the study “Storage: overview, regulation and business plan in Italy” elaborated with Elemens.

During their greetings to the audience, Diego Percopo, CEO of EF Solare Italia, and Roberto Moneta, CEO of GSE, upheld the centrality and actuality of the topic and expressed trust in the future possibilities of photovoltaics.

Three presentations followed: Luca Benedetti, from the Staff  of the CEO of GSE, pictured the current trends and the future estimates for the industry; Alessandro Marangoni, CEO di Althesys, analysed costs and investments in regard of the different typology of storage systems; Andrea Marchisio, Elemens  Partner, exposed the results of the research.

In the debate, hosted by Enrico Cisnetto, Diego Percopo, Lucia Bormida – Vice President of Elettricità Futura, Enrico Falck, Board member of ANIE, Paolo Rocco Viscontini, President of Italia Solare ed Edoardo Zanchini, National Vice President di Legambiente, offered teach their point of view on the most relevant topics for photovoltaics’ future aimed at reaching the national targets at 2030. Among these: authorizations – shorter and more simpler procedures – the need for building photovoltaic plants on agrarian lands and the opportunities of agro-photovoltaics, the increase in efficiency of the existing portfolio through revamping and repowering.

Conclusions were by Senator Gianni Girotto, President of the X Commission – Industries, Commerce and Tourism, who reaffirmed the will of the government to carry on the energy transition.

EF Solare Italia, as the leading photovoltaic operator of the Country, is committed in representing the positions of the industry to boost the growth and diffusion of the solar power, supporting Italy on its path toward a sustainable energy future.

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