To reach the European targets, we are convinced that it is necessary to create a “solar generation” to guide Italy towards the targets of the 2030 Agenda.


To reach the European targets, we are convinced that it is necessary to create a “solar generation”, a workforce capable of guiding Italy towards the targets of the 2030 Agenda. For this reason, we place great emphasis on the valorization and development of the human capital within the Group, while also implementing sustainability education initiatives through training programs aimed at both professionals and young students.
For us, employee training and skill development are strategic levers. Therefore, in 2023, we provided 3,816 hours of training, both mandatory and voluntary.
Our commitment to creating a renewable energy culture is also reflected in various educational initiatives, such as lectures, courses, and field visits with students from schools, universities, and specialized master’s programs. Overall, we hosted around 250 visitors at our facilities in Italy and Spain.
Among the training initiatives we participate in is the Master’s program in “Energy Resources Management,” organized by SAFE, which has now reached its XXV edition. Throughout the year, young students have the opportunity to interact with our managers and executives on the evolution of the photovoltaic sector, delve into current topics, and engage directly with solar energy professionals during a special company day. Moreover, the top talents from the Master’s program may find real professional opportunities at EF Solare Italia.
Fieldwork remains one of the most educational activities for students at any level. Each year, we commit to bringing numerous student groups to our plants, where they can observe the workings of a solar power plant up close.
These are just a few of the many training activities and visits to our facilities that we organize annually to bring the public closer to the world of green energy production and promote the culture of renewable energy. Accurate information is an enabling factor in the energy transition process, which requires a true cultural renewal, and EF Solare strives to play its part.


Master SAFE XXV edition – Field visit

Visita all'impianto Cassiopea di Viterbo

We opened the doors of our Cassiopea plant in the province of Viterbo to the students of the SAFE Master’s in Energy Resources Management, to show them up close how a solar power plant operates.

Master SAFE XXV edition – Company day

The young participants of the master’s program spent an entire day at our Rome headquarters to get to know the company and hear testimonies from our managers.

Istituto Comprensivo “Bruno Munari” – Green Week

We participated in the “Green Week” organized by the Istituto Comprensivo “Bruno Munari” in Rome, to tell primary school students about the world of renewable energy and environmental protection.

University of Bologna – Field Visit

Students from the Sustainability Journeys course at Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna visited our S. Alberto plant in Ravenna to learn more about the operation of a photovoltaic plant and the role of solar energy in the decarbonization process.

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