In 2020 EF Solare has avoided the release of more than 600,000 tC02 into the environment with more than 1,300 GWh of clean energy produced.


EF Solare, with more than 1,300 GWh of clean energy produced, has avoided the release of more than 600,000 tC02 into the environment in 2020, demonstrating not only that it has always been close to sustainability topics but that it is a protagonist of the energy transition in Italy and Europe. In addition, since 2019 EF Solare has started a process of formalization of initiatives and results in this field that has led to the creation of the ESG Policy and the publication of the first sustainability report (2019 Report) which, now in its second edition (2020 Report), this year has been enriched with the voice of its stakeholders and summarizes the progress made in facing present and future challenges.

As stated in the Sustainability Report 2020 letter for stakeholders written by Andrea Ghiselli, CEO, and Paolo Duiella, President of EF Solare, this year has posed unprecedented challenges and complexities for all economic players, and the energy sector was no different. We have witnessed a general contraction in energy demand, especially from industrial players, which has determined a growth in the amount of renewable sources used in the national energy mix. In this way, renewable energy sources have been able to show their potential, anticipating dynamics that will arise in the near future when 55% of electricity demand will be covered by green energy.

Solar energy is and will continue to be the major player of the ongoing energy transition: in Italy, only in 2020, almost 0.8 GW of additional capacity have been installed, but to achieve the European decarbonization goals, the sector is expected to grow at least three times more than today. In this context, EF Solare Italia has continued its path of organizational transformation to strengthen and consolidate its role as a leading player in growth and innovation of its sector.

We are actively working to encourage the energy transition, also through collaboration with the competent authorities, in order to progressively simplify the legal and regulatory framework, firmly believing in our model of efficient and sustainable growth, based on projects that are increasingly integrated with the territory and on the widespread adoption of digital technologies. All this with the aim of becoming a reference for the entire sector, from the point of view of social impact, environmental sustainability and innovation. The acquisition of Renovalia, one of the leading photovoltaic operators in Spain, completed during the year, has strengthened our leadership at international level and has encouraged the adoption of a new management approach, aimed at enhancing the synergies between the two operators. We have started a process that will lead to a greater control of our plants thanks to a unified monitoring and the internalization of some maintenance activities.

We also believe that the development of the sector cannot exclude the strengthening of know-how and skills, activities that we pursue by participating in major industry events and promoting knowledge of photovoltaics at different levels: internally, through training courses for employees, and externally, making us promoters of high training courses for new generations, becoming a real “extended school”.

Our commitment on all these fronts is evidenced by the formalization of a Corporate Sustainability Policy, realized through a program of concrete and measurable actions that we will be working on in the coming years. Aware that we are only at the beginning of a long journey, we are convinced that the integration of the needs and expectations of our stakeholders in the strategic and operational planning of business activities is and will be a key factor to guide the development of the company in the long term, creating over time a shared value to the benefit of all stakeholders.

You can read the 2020 Sustainability Report and download it by clicking HERE.




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