“Increasing investments in renewables to promote decarbonisation. Supporting innovation and education for a sustainable tomorrow. Agro-photovoltaics represents a common advantage.” – Andrea Ghiselli, CEO od EF Solare


EF Solare’s commitment to mark the path towards decarbonization goals necessarily passes through an analysis of what has been achieved so far by the renewable energy sector and, in particular, by photovoltaics. During the month, our CEO Andrea Ghiselli took part in three important events during which we analyzed the development of renewable energies, their current use and the future opportunities in line with national and European goals for a rapid energy transition.

Increasing investments in renewables to promote decarbonisation

During the round table, titled “The Italian electricity industry: how to restart companies?”, organized for the XIII edition of Irex Annual Report, our CEO affirmed once again the importance of renewable energies that, during these last years, have finally become object of public interest, attracting substantial investments in an advantageous moment as not happened since 30 years. Italy needs to increase the production of electricity from renewable sources, and in particular solar, in order to progress in decarbonization. The current scenario presented by PNRR opens up new opportunities to increase the use of these sources in the national electricity system and to digitalize infrastructures. In order to realize these opportunities it is, however, necessary to reform and simplify the authorization process, through clear and non-discretionary rules, in order to unlock and direct the related investments working, together with institutions, associations and other companies in the sector, for the construction of new plants and more green solutions, such as agro-photovoltaic.

Agro-photovoltaics: a common advantage

Today more than ever, as recalled by Andrea Ghiselli during the Renewable Energy Report 2021, it is necessary to face without ideologies the evaluation of costs and benefits of renewables. According to the data, in fact, the potential use of agricultural land related to the goals of photovoltaic development to 2030 is less than 0.4% and comes almost to zero with the use of new technologies in combination with agriculture. The agro-photovoltaic, indeed, represents a concrete and effective solution to combine the energy needs of decarbonization with those of agriculture and pastoralism, encouraging important digital transformations and creating a winning synergy with local authorities and communities for a sustainable evolution. EF Solare is a pioneer in the sector in Italy thanks to the photovoltaic greenhouses in Calabria, Umbria and Sardinia where lemons, citrons, oranges and goji berries are grown. EF Solare believes in agro-photovoltaics, collecting the most advanced experiences in the country and working in close collaboration with companies and territory.

Supporting innovation and education for a sustainable tomorrow

As highlighted by our CEO during the Festival of Economics of Trento, in order to achieve the decarbonization goals, the contribution deriving from the technological renewal of existing photovoltaic plants is fundamental, thanks to revamping and repowering activities that, with the same amount of land occupied, would allow to reach 30-40% of the national targets. It is necessary for companies, territories and institutions to collaborate and smooth out opposing visions for a common goal, trying to spread a correct culture of renewable energy. EF Solare is constantly engaged in educational activities supporting the creation of new professionals able to manage plants in the territory and to use and design new technologies to enable the best techniques of energy production, combined in some cases with agricultural activity.

Photovoltaics, in fact, is a democratic way to produce energy that can generate important common advantages. We believe that, with the contribution of all, there are non-divisive solutions to accelerate the process of decarbonization and for this reason we want to continue to invest in our country so that, together, we can lead a concrete and sustainable restart for all.

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