“The path of energy transition depends on innovative solutions that, like agrivoltaics, can combine decarbonization goals with agricultural needs. In these years, we should focus heavily on research to promote the development of standardized and cost-efficient models that will facilitate the widespread deployment of agrivoltaics, stimulating ever deeper synergies between the two sectors.”


New perspectives and strategic collaborations to achieve common goals can arise from confrontation. For this reason, every year EF Solare takes part in Key Energy, a relevant showcase of the world of renewables capable of providing, thanks to its wide network of stakeholders and a variety of events, an opportunity for the key players in the sector to meet and compare for an acceleration of the energy transition process underway.


During the edition that has just ended, Ettore Acampora, Head of Business Development & Energy Management, and Gian Luca Teodori, Head of Operations, took part in two conferences, organized by ENEA and ETA Florence, dedicated to the development of agrivoltaics , a technology capable of playing an essential role in terms of decarbonization.


The round tables in which EF Solare took part were an opportunity to present the projects and research fielded by the Group, which is committed to developing new models of agrivoltaics 2.0in Europe and raising awareness about the necessity of regulatory adjustments to support its growth.

“Through an innovative open field agrivoltaic model with zero land use, we are daily committed to promoting sustainable agrivoltaic solutions able to create value and protect local communities. We look positively at what has been done in recent years regarding regulation and authorizations. However, to accelerate the energy transition, it will be essential to complete the definition of a clear and enabling regulatory framework, harmonize regional regulation with the national one, and move towards authorization simplification that recognizes the positive externalities of such projects. EF Solare strongly believes in agrivoltaics, which plays a central role in the Group’s development plans, and Key Energy represents a great opportunity for discussion and debate for the development of this technology” commented Ettore Acampora, Head of Business Development & Energy Management, at the event Sustainable Agrivoltaics. Definitions, Rules, and Safety. EF Solare also works to contribute to the progress of research in this sector, and to support an organic development of agrivoltaic systems in Italy and Europe. EF Solare is committed to developing this technology by participating in the European agrivoltaic research project “Symbiosyst,” selected and funded by Horizon Europe. The Group will be part of the 18 entities, members of the international consortium coordinated by Eurac Research, in charge of developing standardized and cost-efficient strategies and technological solutions to increase the competitiveness of agrivoltaics in Europe over the next four years.  EF Solare’s participation in the Symbiosyst project stems from more than 10 years of research experience in photovoltaic greenhouses and the design solutions introduced in the innovative agrivoltaic 2.0 model.


“The path of energy transition depends on innovative solutions that, like agrivoltaics, can combine decarbonization goals with agricultural needs. In these years, we should focus heavily on research to promote the development of standardized and cost-efficient models that will facilitate the widespread deployment of agrivoltaics, stimulating ever deeper synergies between the two sectors. We believe that research will be essential to design dedicated agrivoltaic equipment and to develop IT tools that can optimize cultivation techniques and infrastructures for electricity generation. It will require collaboration with both research institutes and agricultural realities interested in developing innovative agronomic approaches,” highlighted Gian Luca Teodori, Head of Operations, during the event Research and Innovation at the Service of Photovoltaics and Agrivoltaics-Experiences and Ambitions in Europe. The opportunities for growth are remarkable. As the leading photovoltaic operator in Europe, we at EF Solare are committed to leading and supporting the energy transition. Through our dedication and through collaboration with territories and the world of research, we can create benefits for the environment, the economy, and communities.


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