Everyday our team works to best express its skills and to make EF SOLARE ITALIA the unquestioned leader in the Italian photovoltaic sector.

Mariuccia Barresi - Regulatory Affairs

Mariuccia Barresi is Head of Regulatory Affairs at EF Solare Italia.

She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the State University of Milan corroborated by periods of work and study abroad particularly in the field of International Energy Law, as well as a Level II Master’s degree in Multiutilities, Environment and Energy.

She began her professional career in 2010 dealing with Retail Market Regulation and Energy Efficiency for the German multinational E.ON.

Between 2014 and 2015 she moved to Madrid, to the Spanish subsidiary of E.ON, where she was able to deepen her knowledge of Spanish market design and the business dynamics of the Iberian retail market.

After a brief experience in consulting, since 2016 her activity has focused on the Regulation of wholesale electricity markets, having the opportunity to delve into the dynamics of the thermoelectric generation sector (EP Produzione) and that of renewables (ERG). In ERG, in particular, she was in charge of market and infrastructure regulation for all 10 geographies of the group for 5 years.

She joined EF Solare Italia in May 2023.


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