Everyday our team works to best express its skills and to make EF Solare Italia the leader in the Italian photovoltaic sector.


Every day, the EF Solare Italia team works to identify technical and management solutions aimed at optimizing and industrializing the photovoltaic industry.

Our research activities start from the local context, where synergies between universities, research institutions, O&M (Operation and Maintenance) companies, and public-private partnerships are
deeply rooted and fruitful.

In line with equal opportunities, our team consists of highly specialized professionals, including engineers, financial experts, photovoltaic plant scouting specialists, and legal experts.

The most advanced technologies and management expertise of our staff enable EF Solare Italia to be a leader in the photovoltaic solar industry.

  • F2i – Fondi Italiani per le Infrastrutture is the largest closed-end fund in the country dedicated to infrastructure investments. It has been active in the photovoltaic industry since 2009.

  • Crédit Agricole Assurances is the leading French institutional investor in renewable energies.

Organizational Chart




The EF Solare Italia Group is sensitive to the need of ensuring fair and transparent business conduct and corporate activities, in order to protect its position and image as well as those of its subsidiaries, the expectations of its shareholders and the work of its employees. For this reason, EF Solare Italia has considered compliant with its company policies the implementation of an Organization, Management and Control Model as provided for by Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 and the Code of Ethics which forms an integral part of it.

Paolo Bugini

Board Member

Alessandra Polerà

Board Member

Andrea Ghiselli


Corrado Santini

Board Chairman

Alessandra Moiana

Board Member

Zina Adou

Board Member

Abdelhamid Lazaar

Board Member

Achille Frattini

Standing Auditor

Renato Colavolpe

Standing Auditor

Francesco Scornajenchi

Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Ottavia Orlandoni

Alternate Auditor

Francesca Mascello

Alternate Auditor

Isabella Gastaldello

People & Organization

Alberto De Nigro

Chairman of the Supervisory Board – External Member

Niccolò Bertolini Clerici

External Member

Code of etichs and 231 Model

    Diversity & Inclusion


      HSE - Health Safety Environment

        Health, Safety and Environmental protection are key values of our business, shared by all EF Solare Italia personnel and transmitted to all stakeholders.


        EF Solare Italia started a journey  to achieve two of the most important international company certifications in April 2021: UNI EN ISO 14001 for the management of environmental impacts of our business and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 for the management of health and safety of workers.

          Supplier Code of Conduct

            EF Solare Italia is a member of

            AIAS – Associazione Italiana Agrivoltaico Sostenibile

            AIAS – Associazione Italiana Agrivoltaico Sostenibile was established on September 16th, 2022, to promote the development of agri-PV in Italy.


            Established by the merger between Assoelettrica and AssoRinnovabili, it represents and protects all companies operating in the electricity sector in Italy.

            ITALIA SOLARE

            ITALIA SOLARE is the only Italian association dedicated exclusively to the Solar PV value chain.


            Italian Association of Electrical, Electronics, Automation, Information and Communication Technology was established on 1 January 1897.


            A global professional network in the renewable energy sector.

            © EF Solare Italia 2025
            Powered by Oxjno